I spent the day hanging out with them; our Parisian friend who let us crash on her couch and floor had to work, so we North Americans went out to explore. I knew them all from the same site on which I met my other travel-hungry blog friends from around the US. It was the end of my six week whirlwind tour, and I'd already spent a few days in Paris at the beginning of my trip. Exploring the city with these boys was fun in a different way; we rode a bungee jump thing, we took the metro everywhere, and I surprised them both with a kiss at the Tour Eiffel.
The following spring I went to Toronto to visit the Canadian boy (Mike) and my other good friend in that city. It was four days of awesomeness. I've got a whole yahoo photo album somewhere full of pictures from that trip.
I am occasionally still in touch with my Canadian friends from the travel site: one who is really into hockey (hackey!) and ska and punk music; one who moved to New York to live with his girlfriend; one who had dreams of attending Teacher's College in Australia; and Mike.
In the last couple of years, every one has gotten engaged/married - the transplant to New York is now a dad, the hockey player getting married to his childhood sweetheart this month, the teacher married last fall. And today I checked my email and Mike had sent the good news - he's engaged! And he thought of me because he and his fiancee are heading to Paris this weekend.
Mike, I hope you and Monica have a wonderful trip. Congratulations and all the best wishes for your life together. I promise I will not send her a copy of this picture:

That's Mike, after a pitcher or two of beer, with guacamole on his head.
(I might send her this one, though)

You know it's good times when they make you wear a paper crown.
that was a great first sentence! sweet and mildly erotic. . .
I feel like an ass for not adding you to our blogroll, I come here every time I see "pantalonesdelfuego" in my site meter referrer log. it cracks me up every time I see it.
Thanks, Dutch! Your blog and Leah's are the ones I read to remind me of home (the Bay Area).
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