Sometimes when we go on one of these whirlwind trips to California, I return feeling torn between writing up everything we did (to help me remember, for posterity's sake) and writing up only the interesting parts (for the benefit of the six people who will read this). No one really wants to read about someone else's blow-by-blow vacation exploits. So instead of "And then we did this," I'll try to highlight the moments, the things that stick in my memory whether I have a photo or not. (In most cases, not.)
* Reading approximately eleventy billion books to Wombat, hastily snarfed burritos, and a long and sleepy drive north
*Driving out through Sebastopol to Bodega Bay, then driving north along the coast all the way to Point Arena, something I hadn't done in 15 years and something Dan had never done. We ate cherries as the car lurched around the windy, twisty roads, and I identified as many of the wildflowers as I could see from the moving car: wild radish, coastal lupine, monkey flowers.
* Lazy seals

* Eating lunch in the warm sunshine, watching the water, smelling the brine of the Northern California ocean
* Driving the car from Point Arena through Booneville and back to the 'dale, feeling like I was playing a video game, with only two other cars in the first 26 miles
* Two different incidents of restaurant bad luck (bacon on my dinner sandwich when I asked for none, runny-yolked fried eggs instead of scrambled in my huevos rancheros)
* Breakfast with Heather
* Snarfing a salad at Laurel's house before our first 3 hour traffic ordeal of the weekend
* The growing dread of being late to the wedding in Auburn, having to do my makeup in the car, and quick-changing in the parking lot while the golf cart kid watched.
* Someone liked it so they put a ring on it.

* The realization that I was going to be the sober driver, hoping I could stay awake and drive safely to the hotel when I could only remember which exit to take. (Luckily, we could see it from the freeway.)
* Seeing Dan have such a good time getting his drink and his dance on
* Going from one party to another (one: all Dan's family and various relations, the other a birthday party where my sisters were) and seeing my friend's parents, who I hadn't seen in about 20 years, and realizing I can only socialize with so many people in one day (we'd had breakfast with some other friends) before my brain stops functioning.
* Getting an entire house to ourselves, complete with friendly kitties, a spider web, and a forbidden kitchenaid stand mixer.

* My first crepe-a-go-go in at least 10 years, plus an hour to myself reading a delightful book on the UC Berkeley campus while Dan had breakfast with his brother, and dozing in my favorite spot of dappled sun/shade
* An entire afternoon and early evening of relaxing and enjoying the company of friends, discussing subjects both mundane and profound, and making fresh lemonade with purloined meyer lemons.
* Dan and his brother sharing one last "hope you find your bike, PeeWee" handshake for in all likelihood a year. Keep safe in Afghanistan, Matt.
All in all, it was a great trip, but thoroughly exhausting from the socializing, the hours of traffic, and travel in general. We got home Monday afternoon and were completely useless for the rest of the day. The saying "I need a vacation from my vacation," while trite, is often how I feel after a trip like this.
Drink? Surely not I, madam. You must be mistaken.
Were there, perhaps, some photographic evidence of said insobriety, your readers might be inclined to believe your ludicrous tale.
As there is none, we shall have to put down this statement to some sort of figment of your vivid imagination.
"Some" photographic evidence? Would you have danced to "Single Ladies" and posed for a ring photo with us had you been sober?
I sincerely hope the lemons you purloined were ours. Also, I'm glad you saw that spiderweb before walking into it. I tear it down every day, and the next day it's back up again.
(The KitchenAid is just one of those things. It was brand new and never used, and I wanted to break it in myself!)
Yes, they were your lemons. I figured you guys wouldn't miss 10 or so, since you had a couple hundred ripe ones on your tree!
And I saw the spiderweb when I went out (and took the photo)...and then forgot about it and half tore it down on the way back inside. :(
(Also, I just thought your note on the kitchenaid was funny. Why would we use a kitchenaid at your house? Did you get the note that Linus left you?)
We used to have a spiderweb like that going across our front door. I'd tear it down in the morning, it'd be back by afternoon, tear it down to get in the house, and it'd be back up the next morning. Repeat for weeks.
And love the pic with Dan! (I believe the tale!)
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